Eastman Marker Pro:
Accumulating lots of experience from traditional marker making, MNC enables to easily complete any complicated layouts with advanced computer technology, Eastman MNC is more scientific, more accurate, more flexible and more fabric-saving. MNC allows to set one-way, zigzag and tubular working modes, and could rapidly generate nesting results according to the mode set.
Eastman Mark Module is designed to maximize productivity and minimize labor and material costs. Highly developed and evolved GUI including customizable tool bars. Save time and money while cutting down on wasted fabric.
Eastman powerful Nest++2 auto-nesting application uses state of the art algorithms and substantially increases Marker efficiency.
Eastman Nesting++ Multicore
Accumulating lots of experience from tadeonal marker making, MNC enables to easily complete any complicated layouts with advanced computer technology, Eastman MNC is more scientific, more accurate, more flexible and more fabric-saving. MNC allows to set one-way, zigzag and tubular working modes, and could rapidly generate nesting results according to the mode set.
- World fastest auto marker(Nest++ Multicore Method) from which you can get high efficiency with in very short time.
- Manual marking is also possible after AutoMark.
- Mini marker can easily be printed by any printer.
- Auto reporting option in Excel format.
- Easy to calculate fabric consumption.
- For Knit fabric, weight measuring software in Kg/Dzn format.
- Very easy to change fabric width any time.
- After Marking pattern information can be updated.
- Combined marking option by adding multiple style files.
- Eastman Nesting ++ Multicore :
Fabric & Cost Saving
Suppose your annual fabric cost is $10,000,000, super nesting will save $150,000 for your fabric cost every year. Suppose your annual fabric cost is $20,000,000, super nesting will save $300,000 for your fabric cost every year. Labor & time saving Nesting Queue generates compete and multiple nests by automatically using unattended overnight processing, which avoids working overtime. Energy saving super nesting provides EXCEL report to show fabric consumption rate, length and so on conveniently and accurately.